Types of Tree Trimming

There are several different categories of tree trimming and knowing which type of trimming to perform can help ensure the tree grows lush and vibrant. It’s always best to call in professional tree pruning services to get the job done. We can get you a free estimate. Many residents in the DFW area give us a call after pruning their trees as a DIY job. This is because they cannot understand what went wrong.

While discussing our tree trimming practices, we use proper and descriptive terminology for describing various techniques used for pruning different parts of a tree.

Crown Pruning

Removing Damaged or Dead Branches

The most common form of crown pruning is removing diseased, dying, dead and visibly broken branches. Our arborists have a keen eye and are able to identify the branches that require pruning just by looking at them. It is quite possible that you may miss these branches if you don’t have a trained eye.

Removing Excess Foliage

Another tree trimming technique involves removal of excess branches and foliage. This is done to reduce the weight of extended limbs and branches and to manage the risk of branch failure. Arborists know the amount of pruning that can be done for a tree. A handy rule of thumb is to never remove more than a fourth of live foliage from the tree.

Removing Potential Threats

Homeowners generally have a good idea about the branches that are a potential threat to signs, buildings, electric wires and other structures. It’s fundamental to identify and remove these branches before they fail completely. Our arborists can diminish hazards by removing poorly attached branches.

Cutting Back Branches

This technique is different from tree topping that involves the removal of a significant portion of the tree. In this structural pruning approach, the arborist will cut high growing branches to lateral and lower growth. This is done to allow the central trunk of the tree to become dominant. There are no large indiscriminate cuts made in this approach.

Specialized Types of Pruning

Maintaining Appropriate Clearance

Trees that are planted too close to buildings or in tight spaces require a special type of pruning to maintain adequate clearance from the buildings. Special clearance pruning is required to avoid maintenance issues in trees planted near patios or other landscaping structures.

Topiary Pruning

This is another form of specialized pruning. Shrubs and trees are pruned to perfection in this type of tree trimming to become more attractive. However, you would need regular maintenance if you are planning topiary pruning in your yard.

Preventing Blocked Views

Sometimes, tree branches become obstructions to views. In this form of tree trimming the tree may be thinned out, entire branches may be pruned, or the crown may be raised.

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Why Hire a Certified Tree Care Expert For Spring Tree Care?

Spring tree care is an investment that can provide significant returns and leads. Attractive and healthy trees go a long way in enhancing the appearance of your property and in adding value as well. As a certified tree service in Fort Worth, we can take care of your maintenance and spring tree care needs. Maintaining trees and shrubs requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise.

You could save a lot of time, money, and effort by hiring a certified tree care expert for your spring maintenance.

Highly Trained and Professional

We staff ISA certified arborists and tree care experts that are highly trained and specialized. Our crew is equipped with the proper training to analyze tree related issues and to correct them with proper tree care. Our arborists can do a lot from identifying potential hazards or harmful concerns to implementing the right services to help your trees.

Arborists have the experience to come up with a plan of action that will help your trees and ensure a healthy and happy yard. Not paying attention to sick or decaying trees can eventually cause your other plants to show signs of sickness. It doesn’t take much for pests and diseases to jump from one tree to the next. An arborist will make sure that all signs of damage, decay, and disease are caught early before they can wreak havoc in your yard.

Required Services Provided in a Timely Manner

Spring care is something that needs a lot of time and attention. It is not enough to give your yard a quick once-over. We have a keen eye and enough time and hands on deck to assess the health of your individual trees and take adequate measures to protect them.

As certified tree care experts, we know the kind of services that your trees require for staying healthy and the best way to provide these services. Not to mention, our arborists have experience offering a wide range of care options, such as tree pest control, tree disease control, planting, tree removal, stump removal, and tree trimming or pruning among others.

We are your one stop shop for everything that needs to be done as part of spring tree care. Call today for a free quote: 972-743-9959.

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Is It Time to Call Spring Tree Services?

Spring is right here and your trees have already started feeling it. This is the perfect time to be considering spring tree services. There are several tree service in Fort Worth, TX that offer everything you could require during a spring tree service. Let Chippers Tree Service prepare your tree for spring growth. We can inspect your properties trees and recommend ways of maximizing their beauty, health, and safety.

Spring is one of the most exciting times of the year for a tree lover. With over 30 years combined experience and cutting edge equipment we can handle all your tree car. Tasks such as tree cutting, pruning, stump grinding can be dangerous if you don’t have the experience or proper equipment to undertake.

Get Spring Ready

There are several things you can do to ensure that your trees remain vibrant, healthy and beautiful in the peak of the spring season. A few of these include:

Conducting an inspection

You should schedule an inspection of your yard and trees by an arborist. You don’t want pests to set up shop in your trees. Here you will be able to find any signs of pest damage, uncovered root systems, and weak spots in the tree. They will also look for other damages that may be hampering growth. This inspection will allow you to understand the things that need to be done for protecting your tree and ensuring a healthy growth system.

Removing dead and dying branches

There are lots of branches on most trees. However, these branches need to be routinely cut back or trimmed to prevent the tree from getting overwhelmed. This is especially true for dead and dying branches on healthy trees. Pruning will ensure the tree keeps growing as it should.

Fixing standing water issues

Standing water can be a problematic issue for any tree. This is especially true for their root system. Early spring is when water could be standing around the tree system. You should have a professional take a look at the tree root system to identify if there is any standing water issue. They will also recommend ways for fixing the problem by installing drainage and other methods.

Keep Your Trees Healthy

You can stay rest assured that your trees will grow the way they are supposed to, throughout the spring and year-round. Damaged and decaying trees can quickly turn into a liability instead of an asset. You can have several issues fixed during spring tree services. This includes keeping pests away, pruning problem branches and ensuring a healthy landscape. The time is now to seek professional services for keeping your trees in the peak of their health.

The post Is It Time to Call Spring Tree Services? appeared first on Chippers Tree Service.